Fond Farewells

As we approach the end of the academic year, we always have to say goodbye to some true Friends of Allerton, and this year two of the longest standing members will be leaving. Jo has written a lovely piece about her memories during her time at the school.

The school year is coming to a close, and sadly it is the last one at Allerton CE for my family.  My children have loved attending this school and all the amazing adventures it offers.  Alongside the day to day of lessons, clubs and playtime, there have always been added highlights provided by Friends of ACE – from discos for each class to gifts from Santa, Hungry Hometimes after school and bingo nights for all the family.  

These events do take time and effort to plan and carry out but (this will sound cheesy!) the happy faces we see as a result are well worth it.  They also allow Friends to raise money for extras for all our children, whether that is a contribution to school trip costs, forest school clothing, class christmas presents, skipping ropes, graduation gowns, chicken coops or gifts for our year 6 leavers.  

Hopefully there will be the opportunity for more face to face events in the new term, so if you are unsure about joining in with Friends, start small and offer to help at an event or go to a meeting, then you can see whether you like it.  Who knows, you might enjoy it as much as I have.  

Goodbye ACE and Friends, carry on the amazing work!  

Please do get in touch if you’d be interested in getting involved in Friends, to help us continue to support the school community and raise valuable funds. Even if it’s just an idea that you’d like to put forward, we’d love to hear from you!

Friends of ACE Virtual Balloon Race

The balloon race finished on Friday, having travelled a collective distance of a massive 390,049 km! It seems a distance memory now but the balloons had to travel through snow during their flight.

There was lots of chopping and changing within the leaderboard, but Luca S closed the race in the lead having travelled 3,546km. If it had taken flight from Leeds this balloon would have made it to west coast of Canada having travelled this distance. There wasn’t much in it between 1st and 2nd place, with Carrot close behind only having travelled 20km less than Luca S. A hamper of chocolate goodies will be making it’s way to Luca S very soon!

Most importantly of all, the balloon race generated £172 of funds for the Friends of Allerton, which will be put to good use throughout the course of this year. Many thanks to all who supported this event.

Friends of ACE News – 1 April 2021

It feels unbelievable to have just passed the one year mark since the first national lockdown! It has certainly been a year like no other, and never more so than within the school community. What a delight it was to see pictures this week of the skipping ropes that Friends of Allerton funded last year being enjoyed by the children, and adults alike! This just reinforces the importance of the those “extra” bits that Friends can provide to bring even more fulfilment and joy to the school through our fundraising activities.

The past year has meant fundraising activities have been a bit limited, both due to physical restrictions in what we’ve been able to do, but also due to the fact that Friends is made up of busy parents all juggling demands along with the rest of you.  We have just launched the virtual balloon race, our first experiment with online activities but hopefully brings a bit of fun alongside the opportunity to maintain some fundraising for the school. Please support this if you can, and we’ll keep you updated on the leader-board status through this blog.  You can purchase your balloons for the race, each balloon costs £2 with no limit on numbers. 

We would love to hear your ideas about any activities you would like to see, or things you would like us to fundraise towards.